Ship repair

JSC "Onega Shipbuilding and Ship Repair Plant" provides ship repair services:

  • clumping of vessels up to 140 m, weight up to 2300 tons;
  • cleaning and painting of ship hulls;
  • all types of repair of hull structures;
  • repair and restoration of propellers;
  • defecation of hull structures with the performance of measurements of residual thicknesses and the preparation of accounting documentation on the forms of RMRS, RRR;
  • repair of main and auxiliary engines;
  • repair of auxiliary mechanisms and ship devices;
  • repair of boilers and pressure vessels;
  • repair and replacement of piping systems and fittings;
  • repair of electric motors, generators, electrical equipment, cable runs and power boards;
  • modernization of vessels;
  • repair of ship furniture;
  • repair of insulation of housing structures and systems for sewing rooms.

Ремонтные мощности завода


Dock weight
7000 т


140 m

Maximum length

16,5 м

The width
is the largest

4 м

The depth of the passing

The repair of vessels is carried out under the supervision of inspectors of the Russian River Register and the Russian Maritime Register of Shipping, the sections of which are located directly on the territory of the plant. The plant has developed constructive working relations with representatives of both classification societies, which allow solving technical problems that arise during the repair.

The high qualification of ship repair specialists, as well as the flexible pricing policy carried out by the plant, make it possible, together with shipowners, to find the most acceptable solutions for them in terms of organizing repairs.

Examples of our ship repair work