Pilot boat with ice reinforcement "Krutoyar"

  • Pilot boat with ice reinforcement
  • Pilot boat with ice reinforcement
  • Pilot boat with ice reinforcement
  • Pilot boat with ice reinforcement
  • Pilot boat with ice reinforcement
  • Pilot boat with ice reinforcement
  • Pilot boat with ice reinforcement
  • Pilot boat with ice reinforcement
  • Pilot boat with ice reinforcement
  • Pilot boat with ice reinforcement
  • Pilot boat with ice reinforcement
  • Pilot boat with ice reinforcement
  • Pilot boat with ice reinforcement
  • Pilot boat with ice reinforcement
Submit request

For cooperation in the field of shipbuilding, please call +7 (8142) 33-03-21.

The vessel is intended for the maintenance of navigation equipment (SNO), ensuring the safety of navigation in the waters of the country's seaports.
The boat is supposed to be used in the Northwest Basin branch of FSUE Rosmorport.

Main technical characteristics

22.2 m
Body length

6.6 m
The width of the case is the largest

≈1.5 m
Overall draft

2 people

5 people
Special staff

5 days

824 kW
Total engine power

10 nodes
Stroke speed

650 nautical miles
Cruising range

The boat corresponds to the class RMRS KM Ice2 R3-RSN.